Gar-Ber Brand: The World's Finest Spin-On Fuel Oil Filter.
Spin On Oil Filter Maintenance

Gar-Ber Brand Fuel Oil Filters allow residential furnaces to run more effectively and efficiently. Setting the standard across North America for reliability and dependability, Gar-Ber combines the latest spin-on technology with the addition of WATER BLOCK to give you the best protection for today’s heating fuel oil and maximum performance for bio diesel brands.

Epoxy-coated replacement cartridges with water block for residential applications.

Commercial Fuel Oil Filters are ideal for large homes, apartments, churches, schools farms, light industrial uses, and stationary equipment. These filters are excellent for recycling diesel fuel or K-1.

The FRI (K) 30" Vacuum Filter Restriction Indicator (gauge) indicates when your filter needs changing.
INSTALLATION OR SERVICE WORK PERFORMED BY AN UNQUALIFIED PERSON COULD RESULT IN HAZARDS TO PEOPLE, PETS, AND THE ENVIRONMENT. These hazards could include, but are not limited to fuel oil spills, fire, severe burns, damage to heating system components and other hazards.
The use of any products that are not genuine General Filters replacement bowls, oil cartridges, or gaskets voids any and all warranties implied or otherwise extended by General Filters, Inc. and could increase the risk of failure or leakage.