Supporting Walkers During the Annual Novi, MI 60-Mile Breast Cancer Walk

Each year over 220,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and more than 40,000 will die.  As the most commonly-diagnosed cancer in women, most everyone knows someone who has undergone a personal battle with the disease.
The Susan G. Komen 60-Mile marathon was kicked off early Friday morning, August 15, in Novi, MI, with the initial route running just in front of General Filters' offices.  We wanted to show our support for all the walkers and this worthy cause, so a group (photos below) arrived to work early to decorate trees, make signs and cheer the participants on as they walked by. 
Supporting Walkers During the Annual Novi, MI 60-Mile Breast Cancer Walk - Stay in touch with generalaire by reading the latest news & announcements  - Team_of_Decorators_for_the_Breast_Cancer_Walk
In Photo:  Paige Freeland, Jennifer Cheney, Debbie Farris, Paula Brock, and Joe Boczar
Participants raise a minimum of $2,300 and walk an average of 20 miles a day for three consecutive days, educating tens of thousands of people about breast health with every step. Seventy-five percent of the net proceeds raised by Komen 3-Day help support national research and large public health outreach programs. The remaining 25 percent supports local community and Affiliate outreach programs.
Supporting Walkers During the Annual Novi, MI 60-Mile Breast Cancer Walk - Stay in touch with generalaire by reading the latest news & announcements  - General_Filters_Supporting_The_Walk_for_Breast_Cancer
A tree in front of General Filters, Inc. shows support for Breast Cancer Awareness and the walkers raising money for a cure.
Supporting Walkers During the Annual Novi, MI 60-Mile Breast Cancer Walk - Stay in touch with generalaire by reading the latest news & announcements  - Cheering_for_the_Walkers
Paula Brock, Debbie Farris and Joe Boczar cheer as walkers pass by.
Supporting Walkers During the Annual Novi, MI 60-Mile Breast Cancer Walk - Stay in touch with generalaire by reading the latest news & announcements  - Paula_Debbie_and_Jen_2
Paula Brock, Debbie Farris and Jen Cheney prepare early in the morning for the walkers that will pass by, making signs.
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